Wind energy seems to exist in a parallel universe where even simple words like “construction” no longer mean what you think they do. Why is that? The old way You know what construction projects look like, lots of construction workers in hardhats, bulldozers and backhoes, dump trucks and dirt and when combined with hard work […]
If its All About the Money, Are Wind Turbines the Best Choice?
In all of the discussions leading up to this wind turbine project in North East, you might hear the promoters talk about “green energy” or “renewable energy,” one local farmer talks about how wind fits in with his stewardship of the land and helping the entire country while a spokesman for the Lake Erie Region […]
What Really Powers Wind Turbines? Lots and Lots of Government Money
Wind turbines are popping up in more and more rural communities, yet wind turbines, like so many other “green energy” projects, represent a business that can’t stand on its own two feet without massive government involvement, from tax subsidies and tax credits to outright grants and the result is increasingly expensive electricity from locations with […]