Good news! Donald Trump just won the election yesterday and already today shares in Vestas, the world’s largest wind turbine manufacturer, were falling. As we are always saying, “Without government subsidies to the wind industry, there is no wind industry.” Sales of wind turbines depend entirely on taxpayer money to create a demand and keep […]
Omnibus Spending Bill Extends Wind Energy PTC for 5 Years with Phaseout Over Last 3 Years
The $1.1 trillion, 2009 page omnibus spending bill was released, and, oh, by the way, buried at the end on page 2002, under Miscellaneous Provisions, was a five year extension of the PTC (Production Tax Credit) phased out with a reduction of 20% each year over the last three years. Congress must be proud of […]
Supreme Court Halts Enforcement of Clean Power Plan
The Supreme Court has issued a temporary stay to the Clean Power Act, a draconian rule issued by the EPA which, in effect, aims to dramatically cripple all fossil fuel power sources. Many have repeatedly questioned whether the EPA even has the authority to issue such a rule and 27 states sued to block it. […]
Defense Department Rebuffs Pioneer Green Energy in Maryland
Fresh on the heels of the denial from the FAA to extend their construction clearance for a wind project in Erie County, PA, Pioneer Green Energy has been dealt another major blow. The US Department of Defense has determined another proposed Pioneer effort, the Great Bay Wind project in Somerset County, Maryland: ... would significantly impair or … [Read More...]
FAA Denies Pioneer Green Energy Extension for Wind Turbine Construction
Pioneer Green Energy was just handed a pretty serious setback in their attempts to keep their proposed Erie County, PA wind turbine project alive. Any structure over 200 feet tall must receive approval from the FAA before construction can begin. Originally, approvals for the 67 turbine locations were issued on September 9th, 2012 and were scheduled … [Read More...]
Where do they want to build wind turbines?

Proposed Wind Turbine Locations in Erie County PA
— Due to changes at Google this map is no longer available. — Is Pioneer Green Energy trying to build a wind turbine near your home? Up until now, it’s been very difficult to get a direct answer to this question. We have asked our township supervisors and zoning administrator many times for this information […]
North East, PA Wind Project

Wind Turbines and the Promise of Money
Wind turbines bring the promise of money and that can cloud a person's judgement. It certainly doesn't have to, but sometimes, if a person isn't careful, he'll do things out of character, things he would otherwise not do, things he later regrets, simply because the thought of money was so overpowering. Wind developers know this and spin tales of … [Read More...]

Two Signs Show What North East Township Supervisors Do and Don’t Want You to See
Two signs - two meetings - one bold - one unreadable Two different meetings scheduled one week apart. The first, for a zoning change that affects a few individuals and a small parcel of property. The second, announcing a wind energy "zoning overlay" and the wind ordinance, applies to almost half the township and will be seen by and affect tens or … [Read More...]

Too Close – Ask the People Who Live With Wind Turbines What They Think – UPDATED VIDEO
While the North East Township supervisors and planning board want to move wind turbines ever closer to houses and property, taking their cue from the wind developer and those few residents who will benefit financially from turbine installations, they might want to pay attention to people who actually live near them right now. After the turbines … [Read More...]

Calculating Wind Turbine Setbacks With Science Instead of Politics
If there is one hot button issue in communities where wind turbines are being discussed, it's setbacks, how far must wind turbines be kept from property lines, roads and occupied buildings. Wind developers want a very short distance so they can install the maximum number of turbines while residents and property owners want them kept as far away as … [Read More...]

Pioneer Green Energy Faces Lawsuit From Property Owners in Alabama
Pioneer Green Energy's plans to begin building wind turbines in Alabama has run into some legal trouble. A group of 32 property owners near Shinbone Ridge in Alabama have filed suit against Pioneer Green Energy and Noccalula Wind LLC over the industrial wind project planned on Lookout Mountain. The property owners near Shinbone Ridge claim the … [Read More...]

How About Watching Sunsets Through the Blades of Wind Turbines in Lake Erie?
For those of you living closer to the lake, you may be surprised to learn our representatives want to build industrial, utility scale, wind turbine installations in Lake Erie. Perhaps you've heard of plans to build offshore near Cleveland, Ohio, there's been some coverage in the news, but look closer to home, they want to put them offshore of Erie … [Read More...]
Wind is free – electricity is not
Wind Energy Nonsense Part One: The Wind is Free
Wind energy supporters love to say “the wind is free,” because it seems so obvious and irrefutable, they believe it supports their argument that wind turbines make sense. Unfortunately, “the wind is free,” is a meaningless talking point adding nothing to the wind energy debate and it’s just one of a long series of wind […]
Wind energy

Government Wind Energy Money Attracting Fraud, Crime and Corruption
Wind energy and free money, what could possibly go wrong? Well, we're beginning to find out. Reports from the United States and around the world show government corruption and even organized crime are starting to make an appearance in this "green" business. Hmm, ... who could have predicted that? Organized crime gets into wind Europol, the … [Read More...]

If You Support Wind Energy Can You Handle the Truth?
Have you noticed the massive misdirection now going on? For the last couple of weeks, the internet has been filled with stories about how great wind energy did in 2012. See what they're doing? All of those stories talk about last year, but it's now August of 2013 and, as we recently noted, wind energy has fallen flat ever since. Last quarter, ZERO … [Read More...]
Wind Turbines

Wind Turbines Are Not Saving the World, They’re Just Chasing Government Money
It's always nice to see someone putting up their hands and saying, ENOUGH, and that's what appears to be happening over in the UK with new measures just enacted: The new measures ensure that local views will always take precedence over concerns about the global environment. David Cameron is understood to have intervened in a bitter row … [Read More...]

Do Wind Turbine Blades Ever Come Off? – UPDATED
In the same way that you don't usually think about wind turbine fires, you probably don't think about wind turbine blades coming loose and flying off, either, but they do. As the recent storms rolled through Oklahoma, the blade shown above came off and hit a daycare center a quarter mile away. Corrected - see below. Of course, this isn't supposed … [Read More...]

If Wind Turbines Were Cars, They Would All Be Recalled – Why Capacity Factor Counts
When you buy a car, you want it to be reliable, to work when you need it and you expect the engine to deliver all of the power the salesman told you it would, but suppose it didn't do any of that. Would you be upset? Sure, you might even demand your money back, but wind turbines are just like that and the wind developers selling them say it's … [Read More...]